Printer Reset Tool
If your printer is not printing, and you know it does not have a physical problem, this program is for you. With your purchase you will receive a video showing basic tips on how to fix printer problems that you can show your booth attendants. This program still makes it easy as the video will show:
How to check if your printer is in the right USB port. (Windows default logic)
How to run this application if everything is set up correctly.
Windows can get caught up with the printer queue, this program fixes that quick for you so you can get back to work!
Please note! This program will fix Windows printer queue problems, there can always be several problems with your printer due to user error or hardware printer failure. This program should be used to make sure that the Windows printer queue (one of the most common errors) does not occur. If you are having a printer issue and ran the steps in our video and program, we suggest you call your printer manufacturer immediately.